Welcome to Shinad Immigration !!

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Shinad Immigration

SHINAD Immigration Services is a regulated immigration consultancy firm registered under the College of Immigration and Citizenship Canada (CICC) which is the regulatory body for immigration consultants in Canada.

Why Canada ?

  • A Very Multicultural Country
  • Wildlife and Nature
  • Friendly People
  • Great Education
  • Lots of Opportunities
  • A Great Home For Your Family
  • Great City Life
  • Free Health Care
  • Very Low Crime Rate

Our Mission & Vision

We, Shinad Immigration services maintain our status as a premier immigration firm, by constantly delivering highly-skilled and personalized immigration services to both our corporate and individual clients.

Why Use A RCIC?

Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCICs) are legally authorized representatives and members in good standing with the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC) who are required to work ethically in a professional framework. RCICs, as licensed consultants will have a thorough knowledge of the Canadian Immigration system and policies and are able to communicate with the IRCC on behalf of their clients.

IRCC does not deal with unregulated third parties.